Reached parking area. Trekked over 2 miles to the collecting area within the wilderness area. Sure could have used some horses!

Desert terrain along the way.

Reached the collecting site where a small cabin still stands.

4 star accommodations in this one bedroom Early American.

This little guy was very upset about us being there. He flew around the cabin, chirping at us for quite some time.

The collecting area. We’ve arrived.

Judd, looking for some of the Strawberry Onyx.

Morgan and Nancy digging through the rocks.

A nice selection of the onyx.

View of the cabin from on top of the hill.

Everyone is back, showing off their finds.

Taking a final rest before setting off on the 2+ mile hike back to the cars.

Piece of the onyx polished into a nice ‘desk rock’.

Polished up nicely…